Thursday, December 22, 2011

Looking for friends with benefits in all the wrong places lol...?

Hey everyone! Im a 21 year old female...busy lady . in college, work and Im an athlete. Although Im a sensitive person, I have no time to sit around waiting for someone to call and dream about a guy I dont want an attachment. I want though lol So I have been randomly talking to a few guys and Im not finding what I want. Some try to flatter me and tell them Im everything they want in a gf and then drop[ the FWB bomb because they just got out of a serious rel...bla bla bla, so way after we get to know and like each other, I see no point, I dont want feelings for a fwb so no thank you. Another was like we can have and I'll be your friend, this way, we both get what we want...NEXT! Another talks about how messed up his family is all the time.Another played me and acted like we were in a relationship but has been thru 50 000 girls and i dont want aids. And some guys get obsessed really easilyeven though u wouldnt think it. So I guess where or how can I meet friends with benefits?


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